Engineering Materials Laboratory

The functions of the Engineering Materials Laboratory are:

1. Student practicum

2. Research for student’s Final Project/Thesis/Dissertation

3. Research for lecturers


Chairman               : Yusuf Umardani, MT

Laboratory Staff:

  1. Prof. Dr. ret. AP. Bayuseno
  2. Dr. Sulardjaka
  3. Dr. Yurianto
  4. Sulistyo, Ph.D
  5. Sri Nugroho, Ph.D

Analysis Services

  1. The Engineering Materials Laboratory provides training and testing services. The areas of service are:
  2. Metal Casting Engineering
  3. Material Characterization
  4. Metal Welding Engineering
  5. Corrosion and its Control
  6. Failure Analysis

Material Test

  1. Trait Test
  2. metallography