
The Library of the Department of Mechanical Engineering UNDIP was established some time since the establishment of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, which is under the auspices of the Faculty of Engineering and became one of the study programs of the Chemical Engineering Department in 1984. The initiator of the establishment of the library in Mechanical Engineering was Ir. Djoeli Satrijo, M.T. and Ir. Dwi Basuki Wibowo, M.Sc. Several years later, a lecturer was appointed to manage the library and was chaired for the first time by Ir. Yurianto, M.T. (1993–1997). In 1998, when the Mechanical Engineering Study Program was changed to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and under the auspices of the Undip Faculty of Engineering, the library has developed into a semi-modern and has used a simple computer system. The coordinator at that time was Ir. Arijanto (1997–2001). Since the beginning of 2003, library automation has been implemented, although not comprehensively, and coordinated by Sulardjaka, S.T., M.T. (2002–2007). In early 2008 the Library of the Department of Mechanical Engineering FT-Undip has fully used the Library Information System (under web). In early 2008 also the management of the Lab. The Self Access Center (SAC Lab.) is fully entrusted under one roof with the library and is coordinated directly by the Chair and Secretary of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

The Library of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Undip is located on Jalan Prof. Sudharto, SH. New Campus Undip Tembalang, Semarang. Telephone: 024–7460059 (plane: 116 and 117), fax: 024-7460059 (plane:102). The Mechanical Engineering Department Library FT-Undip occupies room A-303 (reading & collection room) and room A-302 (hearing view and SAC lab) on the 3rd floor of Building A, Department of Mechanical Engineering, FT-Ndip with an area of approximately 150 M2. The Department of Mechanical Engineering besides having its own library, also collaborates with the Faculty of Engineering and University Libraries.