Vision, Mission, and Objectives of the S-1 Study Program


“Program Studi S1 Teknik Mesin pada tahun 2020 diakui dalam menghasilkan lulusan teknik mesin yang profesional dan menghasilkan riset yang berkualitas ditingkat nasional maupun internasional”



1.  Maximizing all available resources to carry out a quality education process

2.  Innovate in the education process on an ongoing basis to produce graduates who are able to align themselves with graduates from         domestic and foreign universities.

3.  Carry out research activities that are oriented to being able to solve real problems in industry or society in general.

4.  Provide facilities for the development of student creativity in order to improve the sense of engineering.



1.  Produce quality graduates and achieve the best educational programs in the field of education

2.  Teaching and learning as well as producing graduates who have practical abilities for society.

3.  Conduct research and transfer technological developments and actively and innovatively collaborate with government, market,             industry and institutions as well as individuals.

4.  New entrepreneurial spirit in the face of the free market.


To achieve this goal, the Department of Mechanical Engineering UNDIP from time to time always:

1.  Improving the quality of the teaching and learning process

2.  Updating curriculum and syllabus to suit the needs of the job market

3.  Improving the competence of Mechanical Engineering graduates to be able to compete, including English language skills,                     computers and entrepreneurship

4.  Improving the quality of equipment and laboratories, books and scientific journals in the library improves the quality of human             resources both lecturers, employees and laboratory staff.


The Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program at Diponegoro University has four study specializations offered, namely:

1.  Energy Specialization

2.  Material Specialization

3.  Engineering Design Specialization

4.  Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Robotics Specialization



Manager of Mechanical Engineering S-1 Study Program

Head of S-1 Study Program

Dr. Rifky Ismail, ST., MT

Secretary of S-1 Study Program

Dr. Mohammad Tauviqirrahman, ST., MT